Hotels of Pyongyang - Book Release

After a few environmental setbacks Head Tilt Press  and James Scullin have released Hotels of Pyongyang for sale online at
I had the amazing experience last year of traveling to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to photograph 11 hotels in 4 days (yes 4 days) with minimal time, minimal camera gear and no laptop! (I usually shoot architecture tethered so it was a bit of an experience) 
There were more then a few challenges with photographing the hotels, but our amazing guides did such a wonderful job in conveying what we needed to the hotel staff, and I still can’t quite get over how accommodating most people were.
The result is this publication, nearly 200 pages of images of some of the most fabulous and nostalgic hotel interiors, from karaoke rooms, bars, pool areas to grand dining halls and portraits of hotel staff members.
A huge thanks to James Scullin, the man behind the project and who took me along to a country I thought was impossible to go to, for literally an experience of a life time, and put all the hard work into producing the book.